Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tall Tales and Short Stories

Hello Friends! I wrote this puntastic piece when I was 14 and very amateurish. It's not my best work and honestly, most of it doesn't make any sense, but it is fun to read every now and then. I decided not to change anything, though I may return to it in the future and write another version. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

Tall Tales and Short Stories
"It was the best of lies and it was the worst lies," as the infamous Darles Chickens wrote in his A Tale of Two Kitties. He indeed was right. His Late Expectations were heard by many who participated in the "Tax Romana", a period of heavy taxation during the Emperor Leo Falsetoy's teetering between Car and Keys.  Many people suffered as there were Sonnet Wars all the time. Great lovers such as Poemeo and Couplet were forced to commit themselves to suicide because of the notorious preaching, Literature or Death. The man loved by the world, William, shakes with fear every times he hears the words, "to write or not to write." This happened for he had earlier lost a Megabet of an Omlet to the very sensitive Nathaniel Longhorne who used his Starlit Feather to steal it secretly. Poor man, let us all wish he should Relax Daily while polishing his Boots.
After all has been said about William, it is sad to mention that there is more of this devastation. Believe it or not, The Lord of the Wings, J.R.R. Molten has taken over the reign of King Liar sending the world into a state of despair. However, we do not think that Molten's reign will last very long. Let us hope it doesn't last so that all of his irrationalities such as stealing chocolates from children will be wiped away. Protests are beginning against him. Many women like Jane Satire, Flannery O'Sonnet, Simile Dickinson, and Very Smelly are starting mobs of raiders called Prankensteins. Molten's aid and chief conspirator John Blindsack is also very violent. We warn you against his bandit. The Dead Pony is yet to be freed from The Grates of Trap, which he embedded into the forest. Hopefully Blindsack will be caught by our hero Ernest Iambway commonly known for his work, The Mold Man and the Pea, his biography explaining the rescue of a Pea from the jaws of a molding man. but ever since Iambway's Farewell to Farms, he has kept himself in exile to avoid being charged for abandoning his duties of serfdom. Oh, do not fear my fellow citizens, for Iambway is performing some advances toward our freedom as he is in isolation.
Sravani Hotha


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